前几日LeapMotion官网宣布发布新的SDK,称为Orion(也就是SDK 3.x.x了)。起始LeapMotion很早就已经开始做针对头部的SDK,包含在LeapMotion SDK中,并且之前没有特地换个名字拿出来宣传。
看下3.0.0 SDK的更新吧(如果你需要下载最新的sdk,请点击这里找到地址):
Leap Motion Orion: Beta Release Notes
What’s New
- Greater robustness to cluttered backgrounds and ambient light interference
- Enhanced tracking range that extends to the full length of your arms
- Faster and better initialization for all hands
- Lower latency
- Significantly improved grab-and-drop interactions
- Lower overall CPU usage
- Much better finger flexibility allowing for better poses
- Better tracking on the edge of the field of view
- Added a new simple visualizer (VR and Desktop) to the tray menu
- Various control panel updates
- The Unity assets now use a C# binding to a C-language library rather than the SWIG-generated C++ bindings. The new C# API is more performant, especially for VR, and slightly different than the previous one, especially for images. Currently this new C# API is only used for the new Unity assets
Known issues
- HP devices are not supported on Orion. Please use the V2 Desktop (v2.3.1) link above
- The skeleton hand can shift slightly away from the hand as you move left or right; most noticeable in apps that use Image Hands and also display the skeletal hands
- Tracking may not work as well with bracelets, watches, sleeves, etc
- Hands that overlap will not track like they did in V2, often killing one hand or both
- Tools are not currently supported in Orion
- Tracking along the x-axis may appear slightly skewed
- Some poses are not currently tracked as well as V2; this can be seen in the form of occasional bad initialization/reinitialization, right/left misinterpretation, and wrong poses
- Desktop mode initialization is not as reliable as HMD mode initialization
- It is harder to get a passing score in Recalibrate
- Software log is occasionally outputting corrupt characters
- Pausing/Resuming Tracking can cause the FPS to drop. The workaround is to disconnect and then reconnect the device to bring the FPS back to normal
- Serialized invalid frames are marked as valid when deserialized
- Images cannot be extracted from serialized frames
- Avast! Antivirus can interfere with Leap Motion Service installation (disable shields to work around)
- The latest version of the Oculus firmware limits bandwidth for the DK2’s built-in USB port, which harms the controller’s performance. For now, we recommend using the free cable extender bundled with the mount to connect the controller directly to the computer
- Tracking performance may degrade when near large reflective surfaces like white walls or infrared-reflective curtains.
- Minimized or out-of-focus applications using the HMD policy flag can affect the service state. Close such programs before switching back to non-VR apps
To start building with Orion right away, dive into our Unity documentation..