基于骁龙835的新的移动版LeapMotion即将到来,说因为移动芯片的跳跃式发展,导致LeapMotion在手机端实现得到了可能。以前听过国内公司准备做,但从未见过,而如今LeapMotion又继续先人一步鼓捣出移动版。手机+盒子VR+LeapMotion的组合在将来会很火,或者是Android系统的VR + LeapMotion。这也意味着,已经被很多人遗忘的LeapMotion又可能因此火一把!当然首先得有给力的手机屏幕以及给力的游戏市场才行,虽然目前很少,但LeapMotion一直在推动这类游戏,走大众路线的LeapMotion在VR越来越火的时代依旧会很强势。同样的Kinect化身为Hololens后,主打企业应用后,几乎彻底远离大众。但愿小米6会有2K屏,那么我也会购买移动版的LeapMotion做一些开发。
Working in Silicon Valley, I’ve come to realize that everything that seems futuristic was actually on the drawing board a startling number of years in the past. Technology is like a flash in the darkness – long nights building towards an instant when suddenly everything is different. That’s why I think all of us work in technology, and why we at Leap Motion are always very much living in the future.
I come from the future now to tell you a bit about what’s just over the horizon. Today I’m going to be talking about the Leap Motion Mobile Platform. This is a combination of software and hardware we’ve made specifically for untethered, battery-powered virtual and augmented reality devices, many of which will run off the same types of processors already used in smartphones around the globe.
The challenges to build a tracking platform in this space have been immense. We needed to build a whole new Leap Motion sensor with higher performance and much lower power. We needed to make the most sophisticated hand tracking software in the world run at nearly 10 times the speed all while making it smoother and more accurate than ever before.
At the same time, we wanted to address the biggest request from the VR community, which is field of view. While our PC peripheral remains unrivaled at 140×120 degrees, we’ve found in virtual reality there is reason to go even further. So we’ve built our next-generation system with the absolute maximum field of view that a single sensor can support on a VR headset, which is 180×180 degrees.
Last, we’ve built a reference system on top of the Gear VR that we’re shipping to headset makers around the world to show how this all comes together into a single cohesive product. Starting this month, we’ll be demoing this system at major VR events with an enhanced version of our Interaction Engine and flagship Blocks demo.
This is the beginning of an important shift towards mobile and ubiquitous wearable displays that will eventually be as easy and casual to use as a pair of glasses. The ultimate result of which will be the merging of our digital and physical realities.