
[视频]Kinect v1 vs Kinect v2 – RGB and Depth sensors

Today’s post by András Velvárt provides something a number of people have asked about, just what’s the difference between the Kinect for Windows v1 and v2 devices

Kinect v1 vs Kinect v2 – RGB and Depth sensors

As a recently awarded Kinect MVP, I am lucky enough to have one of the rare pre-production units of the next Kinect for Windows sensor with me. I always thought that the original Kinect sensor was an amazing piece of technology, but this new version is a huge step forward. I created a quick video to show you the difference between the RGB and depth sensing technology of the two devices. Without further ado, here is the video – check it out, and let me know in the comments what else you would like to see!

Project Information URL: http://dotneteers.net/blogs/vbandi/archive/2013/12/28/kinect-v1-vs-kinect-v2-rgb-and-depth-sensors.aspx




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