
How to convert from the color camera space to the depth camera space in Kinect For Windows



How to convert from the color camera space to the depth camera space in Kinect For Windows



Posted by nsmoly on August 3, 2012

Kinect has 2 cameras – video and depth (IR) and thefore there are 2 different coordinate systems where you can compute things – the depth camera coordinate frame of reference (that Kinect’s skeleton uses and returns results in) and the color camera coordinate system. The Face Tracking API, which we shipped with Kinect For Windows SDK 1.5 developer toolkit, computes results in the color camera coordinate frame since it uses RGB data a lot. To use the face tracking 3D results with Kinect skeleton you may want to convert from the color camera space to depth camera space. Both systems are right handed coordinate systems with Z pointed out (towards a user) and Y pointed UP, but 2 systems do not have the same origin and their axis are not colinear due to camera differences. Therefore you need to convert from one system to another.

Unfortunately, Kinect API does not provide this functionality yet. The proper way to convert between 2 camera spaces is to calibrate these cameras and use their extrinsic parameters for conversion. Unfortunately, Kinect API does not expose those and it does not provide any function that does the conversion. So I came up with the code (below) that can be used to approximately convert from the color camera space to the depth camera space. This code only approximates the “real” conversion, so understand this when using it. The code is provided “as is” with not warranties, use it at your own risk :-)


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