首先从myo官网下载驱动(http://developer.thalmic.com/downloads)、sdk和固件,然后安装他们。驱动的安装(Install结尾的那个exe)是普通软件安装,安装参见[转]windows下Myo腕带的驱动安装 这篇文章,sdk安装就是把下载的sdk解压到你电脑上的某个位置。这里依旧使用常用的windows版本的sdk。当然我还提供了备用下载地址(外国网站很卡):http://brightguo.com/sdk,你可以在这里下载最新的myo相关软件。解压sdk压缩包后,可以见到如下文件:
打开samples下的hello-myo-VisualStudio2012.sln或者hello-myo-VisualStudio2013.sln即可运行示例程序(C++),目前例子只有c++的。还有个unity的包,在第一层目录可以看到,也就是官方还支持unity的。其他语言,可以在这里找到 https://developer.thalmic.com/downloads (右下角连接Unofficial tools and language bindings)。
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// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc. // Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details. #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <algorithm> // The only file that needs to be included to use the Myo C++ SDK is myo.hpp. #include <myo/myo.hpp> // Classes that inherit from myo::DeviceListener can be used to receive events from Myo devices. DeviceListener // provides several virtual functions for handling different kinds of events. If you do not override an event, the // default behavior is to do nothing. class DataCollector : public myo::DeviceListener { public: DataCollector() : onArm(false), isUnlocked(false), roll_w(0), pitch_w(0), yaw_w(0), currentPose() { } // onUnpair() is called whenever the Myo is disconnected from Myo Connect by the user. void onUnpair(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) { // We've lost a Myo. // Let's clean up some leftover state. roll_w = 0; pitch_w = 0; yaw_w = 0; onArm = false; isUnlocked = false; } // onOrientationData() is called whenever the Myo device provides its current orientation, which is represented // as a unit quaternion. void onOrientationData(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const myo::Quaternion<float>& quat) { using std::atan2; using std::asin; using std::sqrt; using std::max; using std::min; // Calculate Euler angles (roll, pitch, and yaw) from the unit quaternion. float roll = atan2(2.0f * (quat.w() * quat.x() + quat.y() * quat.z()), 1.0f - 2.0f * (quat.x() * quat.x() + quat.y() * quat.y())); float pitch = asin(max(-1.0f, min(1.0f, 2.0f * (quat.w() * quat.y() - quat.z() * quat.x())))); float yaw = atan2(2.0f * (quat.w() * quat.z() + quat.x() * quat.y()), 1.0f - 2.0f * (quat.y() * quat.y() + quat.z() * quat.z())); // Convert the floating point angles in radians to a scale from 0 to 18. roll_w = static_cast<int>((roll + (float)M_PI)/(M_PI * 2.0f) * 18); pitch_w = static_cast<int>((pitch + (float)M_PI/2.0f)/M_PI * 18); yaw_w = static_cast<int>((yaw + (float)M_PI)/(M_PI * 2.0f) * 18); } // onPose() is called whenever the Myo detects that the person wearing it has changed their pose, for example, // making a fist, or not making a fist anymore. void onPose(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, myo::Pose pose) { currentPose = pose; if (pose != myo::Pose::unknown && pose != myo::Pose::rest) { // Tell the Myo to stay unlocked until told otherwise. We do that here so you can hold the poses without the // Myo becoming locked. myo->unlock(myo::Myo::unlockHold); // Notify the Myo that the pose has resulted in an action, in this case changing // the text on the screen. The Myo will vibrate. myo->notifyUserAction(); } else { // Tell the Myo to stay unlocked only for a short period. This allows the Myo to stay unlocked while poses // are being performed, but lock after inactivity. myo->unlock(myo::Myo::unlockTimed); } } // onArmSync() is called whenever Myo has recognized a Sync Gesture after someone has put it on their // arm. This lets Myo know which arm it's on and which way it's facing. void onArmSync(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, myo::Arm arm, myo::XDirection xDirection, float rotation, myo::WarmupState warmupState) { onArm = true; whichArm = arm; } // onArmUnsync() is called whenever Myo has detected that it was moved from a stable position on a person's arm after // it recognized the arm. Typically this happens when someone takes Myo off of their arm, but it can also happen // when Myo is moved around on the arm. void onArmUnsync(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) { onArm = false; } // onUnlock() is called whenever Myo has become unlocked, and will start delivering pose events. void onUnlock(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) { isUnlocked = true; } // onLock() is called whenever Myo has become locked. No pose events will be sent until the Myo is unlocked again. void onLock(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) { isUnlocked = false; } // There are other virtual functions in DeviceListener that we could override here, like onAccelerometerData(). // For this example, the functions overridden above are sufficient. // We define this function to print the current values that were updated by the on...() functions above. void print() { // Clear the current line std::cout << '\r'; // Print out the orientation. Orientation data is always available, even if no arm is currently recognized. std::cout << '[' << std::string(roll_w, '*') << std::string(18 - roll_w, ' ') << ']' << '[' << std::string(pitch_w, '*') << std::string(18 - pitch_w, ' ') << ']' << '[' << std::string(yaw_w, '*') << std::string(18 - yaw_w, ' ') << ']'; if (onArm) { // Print out the lock state, the currently recognized pose, and which arm Myo is being worn on. // Pose::toString() provides the human-readable name of a pose. We can also output a Pose directly to an // output stream (e.g. std::cout << currentPose;). In this case we want to get the pose name's length so // that we can fill the rest of the field with spaces below, so we obtain it as a string using toString(). std::string poseString = currentPose.toString(); std::cout << '[' << (isUnlocked ? "unlocked" : "locked ") << ']' << '[' << (whichArm == myo::armLeft ? "L" : "R") << ']' << '[' << poseString << std::string(14 - poseString.size(), ' ') << ']'; } else { // Print out a placeholder for the arm and pose when Myo doesn't currently know which arm it's on. std::cout << '[' << std::string(8, ' ') << ']' << "[?]" << '[' << std::string(14, ' ') << ']'; } std::cout << std::flush; } // These values are set by onArmSync() and onArmUnsync() above. bool onArm; myo::Arm whichArm; // This is set by onUnlocked() and onLocked() above. bool isUnlocked; // These values are set by onOrientationData() and onPose() above. int roll_w, pitch_w, yaw_w; myo::Pose currentPose; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { // We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details. try { // First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when // publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos. myo::Hub hub("com.example.hello-myo"); std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl; // Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo // immediately. // waitForMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and // if that fails, the function will return a null pointer. myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000); // If waitForMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message. if (!myo) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!"); } // We've found a Myo. std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl; // Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub. DataCollector collector; // Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause // Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners. hub.addListener(&collector); // Finally we enter our main loop. while (1) { // In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds. // In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds. hub.run(1000/20); // After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've // obtained from any events that have occurred. collector.print(); } // If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit. } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << "Press enter to continue."; std::cin.ignore(); return 1; } } |