这次给大家分享下我自己写的KinectV2的OpenCV项目,可以用于研究KinectV2图像算法的人。项目地址在我的Github页面。另外还有更复杂的OpenCV显示KinectV2人脸追踪的项目,适用于研究人脸追踪Face Tracking、人脸识别Face Recognition、人脸特征点提取Face Alignment,就不提供源码了,有需要请去我的淘宝店询问后购买。
- 学术研究、图像处理算法研究者
- 使用OpenCV显示KinectV2数据
- win32控制台应用程序 x86程序 (程序类型)
- VisualStudio 2013 (开发工具)
- KinectSDK-v2.0-PublicPreview1409-Setup (Kinect SDK驱动版本, http://brightguo.com/kinect2)
- Windows 8.1 (操作系统)
- OpenCV2.4.10
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#pragma once #include <Kinect.h>// Kinect Header files #include "include_opencv/opencv2/opencv.hpp" using namespace cv; // Safe release for interfaces template<class Interface> inline void SafeRelease(Interface *& pInterfaceToRelease) { if (pInterfaceToRelease != NULL) { pInterfaceToRelease->Release(); pInterfaceToRelease = NULL; } } //定义Kinect方法类 class CKinect { public: static const int cDepthWidth = 512; static const int cDepthHeight = 424; static const int cColorWidth = 1920; static const int cColorHeight = 1080; CKinect(); ~CKinect(); HRESULT InitKinect();//初始化Kinect void Update();//更新数据 void ProcessFrame(INT64 nTime, const UINT16* pDepthBuffer, int nDepthHeight, int nDepthWidth, USHORT nMinDepth, USHORT nMaxDepth, const RGBQUAD* pColorBuffer, int nColorWidth, int nColorHeight, int nBodyCount, IBody** ppBodies, const BYTE* pBodyIndexBuffer, int nBodyIndexWidth, int nBodyIndexHeight); private: IKinectSensor* m_pKinectSensor;// Current Kinect // Frame reader IMultiSourceFrameReader*m_pMultiSourceFrameReader; ICoordinateMapper* m_pCoordinateMapper; DepthSpacePoint* m_pDepthCoordinates; RGBQUAD* m_pOutputRGBX; RGBQUAD* m_pColorRGBX; RGBQUAD* m_pBackgroundRGBX; RGBQUAD* m_pDepthRGBX; Mat m_Depth; Mat m_Color; Mat m_BodyIndex; }; |
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#include "stdafx.h" #include "Kinect.h" #include "Head.h" #include <math.h> #include <limits> #include <strsafe.h> static const DWORD c_AppRunTime = 5 * 60;//程序运行时间(s),设置5*60表示运行5分钟后程序自动关闭 static const float c_JointThickness = 3.0f; static const float c_TrackedBoneThickness = 6.0f; static const float c_InferredBoneThickness = 1.0f; static const float c_HandSize = 30.0f; CKinect::CKinect() { m_pKinectSensor = NULL; m_pCoordinateMapper = NULL; m_pMultiSourceFrameReader = NULL; m_pDepthCoordinates = NULL; m_pOutputRGBX = NULL; m_pBackgroundRGBX = NULL; m_pColorRGBX = NULL; // create heap storage for composite image pixel data in RGBX format m_pOutputRGBX = new RGBQUAD[cColorWidth * cColorHeight]; // create heap storage for background image pixel data in RGBX format m_pBackgroundRGBX = new RGBQUAD[cColorWidth * cColorHeight]; // create heap storage for color pixel data in RGBX format m_pColorRGBX = new RGBQUAD[cColorWidth * cColorHeight]; // create heap storage for the coorinate mapping from color to depth m_pDepthCoordinates = new DepthSpacePoint[cColorWidth * cColorHeight]; m_pDepthRGBX = new RGBQUAD[cDepthWidth * cDepthHeight];// create heap storage for color pixel data in RGBX format //初始化OpenCV数组 m_Depth.create(cDepthHeight, cDepthWidth, CV_16UC1); m_Color.create(cColorHeight, cColorWidth, CV_8UC4); m_BodyIndex.create(cDepthHeight, cDepthWidth, CV_8UC1); } CKinect::~CKinect() { SAFE_RELEASE_VEC(m_pOutputRGBX); SAFE_RELEASE_VEC(m_pBackgroundRGBX); SAFE_RELEASE_VEC(m_pColorRGBX); SAFE_RELEASE_VEC(m_pDepthCoordinates); SAFE_RELEASE_VEC(m_pDepthRGBX); // done with frame reader SafeRelease(m_pMultiSourceFrameReader); // done with coordinate mapper SafeRelease(m_pCoordinateMapper); // close the Kinect Sensor if (m_pKinectSensor) { m_pKinectSensor->Close(); } SafeRelease(m_pKinectSensor); } HRESULT CKinect::InitKinect() { HRESULT hr; hr = GetDefaultKinectSensor(&m_pKinectSensor); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (m_pKinectSensor) { // Initialize the Kinect and get coordinate mapper and the frame reader if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_CoordinateMapper(&m_pCoordinateMapper); } hr = m_pKinectSensor->Open(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pKinectSensor->OpenMultiSourceFrameReader( FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Depth | FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Color | FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Body | FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_BodyIndex, &m_pMultiSourceFrameReader); // hr = m_pKinectSensor->OpenMultiSourceFrameReader(FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Color , &m_pMultiSourceFrameReader); } } if (!m_pKinectSensor || FAILED(hr)) { return E_FAIL; } return hr; } void CKinect::Update() { if (!m_pMultiSourceFrameReader) { return; } IMultiSourceFrame* pMultiSourceFrame = NULL; IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL; IColorFrame* pColorFrame = NULL; IBodyIndexFrame* pBodyIndexFrame = NULL; IBodyFrame *pBodyFrame = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pMultiSourceFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pMultiSourceFrame); if (SUCCEEDED(hr))//深度信息 { IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference = NULL; hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&pDepthFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame); } SafeRelease(pDepthFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr))//彩色信息 { IColorFrameReference* pColorFrameReference = NULL; hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_ColorFrameReference(&pColorFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pColorFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pColorFrame); } SafeRelease(pColorFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr))//骨骼信息 { IBodyFrameReference* pBodyFrameReference = NULL; hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_BodyFrameReference(&pBodyFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBodyFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pBodyFrame); } SafeRelease(pBodyFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr))//人体掩膜部分 { IBodyIndexFrameReference* pBodyIndexFrameReference = NULL; hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference(&pBodyIndexFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBodyIndexFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pBodyIndexFrame); } SafeRelease(pBodyIndexFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INT64 nDepthTime = 0; IFrameDescription* pDepthFrameDescription = NULL; int nDepthWidth = 0; int nDepthHeight = 0; UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0; UINT16 *pDepthBuffer = NULL; USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0; USHORT nDepthMaxDistance = 0; IFrameDescription* pColorFrameDescription = NULL; int nColorWidth = 0; int nColorHeight = 0; ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None; UINT nColorBufferSize = 0; RGBQUAD *pColorBuffer = NULL; IBody* ppBodies[BODY_COUNT] = { 0 }; IFrameDescription* pBodyIndexFrameDescription = NULL; int nBodyIndexWidth = 0; int nBodyIndexHeight = 0; UINT nBodyIndexBufferSize = 0; BYTE *pBodyIndexBuffer = NULL; // get depth frame data hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nDepthTime); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pDepthFrameDescription); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Width(&nDepthWidth); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Height(&nDepthHeight); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { nDepthMaxDistance = USHRT_MAX; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &pDepthBuffer); } m_Depth = Mat(nDepthHeight, nDepthWidth, CV_16UC1, pDepthBuffer).clone();/////////////// // get color frame data if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pColorFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pColorFrameDescription); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Width(&nColorWidth); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Height(&nColorHeight); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pColorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra) { hr = pColorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&pColorBuffer)); } else if (m_pColorRGBX) { pColorBuffer = m_pColorRGBX; nColorBufferSize = cColorWidth * cColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD); hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pColorBuffer), ColorImageFormat_Bgra); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } m_Color = Mat(nColorHeight, nColorWidth, CV_8UC4, pColorBuffer);/////////////// if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData(_countof(ppBodies), ppBodies); } // get body index frame data if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBodyIndexFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pBodyIndexFrameDescription); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Width(&nBodyIndexWidth); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Height(&nBodyIndexHeight); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBodyIndexFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBodyIndexBufferSize, &pBodyIndexBuffer); } m_BodyIndex = Mat(nBodyIndexHeight, nBodyIndexWidth, CV_8UC1, pBodyIndexBuffer); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ProcessFrame(nDepthTime, pDepthBuffer, nDepthWidth, nDepthHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxDistance, pColorBuffer, nColorWidth, nColorHeight, BODY_COUNT, ppBodies, pBodyIndexBuffer, nBodyIndexWidth, nBodyIndexHeight); } SafeRelease(pDepthFrameDescription); SafeRelease(pColorFrameDescription); SafeRelease(pBodyIndexFrameDescription); for (int i = 0; i < _countof(ppBodies); ++i) { SafeRelease(ppBodies[i]); } } SafeRelease(pDepthFrame); SafeRelease(pColorFrame); SafeRelease(pBodyFrame); SafeRelease(pBodyIndexFrame); SafeRelease(pMultiSourceFrame); } void CKinect::ProcessFrame(INT64 nTime, const UINT16* pDepthBuffer, int nDepthWidth, int nDepthHeight, USHORT nMinDepth, USHORT nMaxDepth, const RGBQUAD* pColorBuffer, int nColorWidth, int nColorHeight, int nBodyCount, IBody** ppBodies, const BYTE* pBodyIndexBuffer, int nBodyIndexWidth, int nBodyIndexHeight) { LARGE_INTEGER qpcNow = { 0 }; WCHAR szStatusMessage[64]; // Make sure we've received valid data if (m_pCoordinateMapper && m_pDepthCoordinates && m_pOutputRGBX && pDepthBuffer && (nDepthWidth == cDepthWidth) && (nDepthHeight == cDepthHeight) && pColorBuffer && (nColorWidth == cColorWidth) && (nColorHeight == cColorHeight) && pBodyIndexBuffer && (nBodyIndexWidth == cDepthWidth) && (nBodyIndexHeight == cDepthHeight) && m_pDepthRGBX) { HRESULT hr = m_pCoordinateMapper->MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight, (UINT16*)pDepthBuffer, nColorWidth * nColorHeight, m_pDepthCoordinates); if (FAILED(hr)) { return; } // loop over output pixels for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < (nColorWidth*nColorHeight); ++colorIndex) { // default setting source to copy from the background pixel const RGBQUAD* pSrc = m_pBackgroundRGBX + colorIndex; DepthSpacePoint p = m_pDepthCoordinates[colorIndex]; // Values that are negative infinity means it is an invalid color to depth mapping so we // skip processing for this pixel if (p.X != -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() && p.Y != -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) { int depthX = static_cast<int>(p.X + 0.5f); int depthY = static_cast<int>(p.Y + 0.5f); if ((depthX >= 0 && depthX < nDepthWidth) && (depthY >= 0 && depthY < nDepthHeight)) { BYTE player = pBodyIndexBuffer[depthX + (depthY * cDepthWidth)]; // if we're tracking a player for the current pixel, draw from the color camera if (player != 0xff) { // set source for copy to the color pixel pSrc = m_pColorRGBX + colorIndex; } } } // write output m_pOutputRGBX[colorIndex] = *pSrc; } }//确保参数都准确 //imshow("color", m_Color); Mat showImage; resize(m_Color, showImage, Size(cColorWidth / 2, cColorHeight / 2)); imshow("Color", showImage);////imshow("ColorImage", ColorImage); imshow("Depth", m_Depth); imshow("BodyIndex", m_BodyIndex); RGBQUAD* pRGBX = m_pDepthRGBX; // end pixel is start + width*height - 1 const UINT16* pBufferEnd = pDepthBuffer + (nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight); while (pDepthBuffer < pBufferEnd) { USHORT depth = *pDepthBuffer; BYTE intensity = static_cast<BYTE>((depth >= nMinDepth) && (depth <= nMaxDepth) ? (depth % 256) : 0); pRGBX->rgbRed = intensity; pRGBX->rgbGreen = intensity; pRGBX->rgbBlue = intensity; ++pRGBX; ++pDepthBuffer; } // Draw the data nDepthHeight OpenCV Mat DepthImage(nDepthHeight, nDepthWidth, CV_8UC4, m_pDepthRGBX); Mat show = DepthImage.clone(); imshow("DepthImage", show); waitKey(1); } |
以下图片是网友visitor538791785通过map color 到depth得到的图像(就是找到color图像中对应的深度数据,很显然由于摄像头视差color图像不可能都能找到对应的深度数据,对于无效值他用红色标识出来了。),相关代码可以看评论区找到: