之前在微软论坛看到的,转过来。这种算法用于平滑Kinect 2中骨骼点的坐标,具体骨骼点平滑算法原理是什么,我没有深究,又懂的人欢迎留言。
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//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KinectJointFilter.h // // This file contains Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter for filtering Joints // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include <DirectXMath.h> #include <queue> namespace Sample { typedef struct _TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS { FLOAT fSmoothing; // [0..1], lower values closer to raw data FLOAT fCorrection; // [0..1], lower values slower to correct towards the raw data FLOAT fPrediction; // [0..n], the number of frames to predict into the future FLOAT fJitterRadius; // The radius in meters for jitter reduction FLOAT fMaxDeviationRadius; // The maximum radius in meters that filtered positions are allowed to deviate from raw data } TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS; // Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter class FilterDoubleExponentialData { public: DirectX::XMVECTOR m_vRawPosition; DirectX::XMVECTOR m_vFilteredPosition; DirectX::XMVECTOR m_vTrend; DWORD m_dwFrameCount; }; class FilterDoubleExponential { public: FilterDoubleExponential() { Init(); } ~FilterDoubleExponential() { Shutdown(); } VOID Init(FLOAT fSmoothing = 0.25f, FLOAT fCorrection = 0.25f, FLOAT fPrediction = 0.25f, FLOAT fJitterRadius = 0.03f, FLOAT fMaxDeviationRadius = 0.05f) { Reset(fSmoothing, fCorrection, fPrediction, fJitterRadius, fMaxDeviationRadius); } VOID Shutdown() { } VOID Reset(FLOAT fSmoothing = 0.25f, FLOAT fCorrection = 0.25f, FLOAT fPrediction = 0.25f, FLOAT fJitterRadius = 0.03f, FLOAT fMaxDeviationRadius = 0.05f) { assert(m_pFilteredJoints); assert(m_pHistory); m_fMaxDeviationRadius = fMaxDeviationRadius; // Size of the max prediction radius Can snap back to noisy data when too high m_fSmoothing = fSmoothing; // How much smothing will occur. Will lag when too high m_fCorrection = fCorrection; // How much to correct back from prediction. Can make things springy m_fPrediction = fPrediction; // Amount of prediction into the future to use. Can over shoot when too high m_fJitterRadius = fJitterRadius; // Size of the radius where jitter is removed. Can do too much smoothing when too high memset(m_pFilteredJoints, 0, sizeof(DirectX::XMVECTOR) * JointType_Count); memset(m_pHistory, 0, sizeof(FilterDoubleExponentialData) * JointType_Count); } void Update(IBody* const pBody); void Update(Joint joints[]); inline const DirectX::XMVECTOR* GetFilteredJoints() const { return &m_pFilteredJoints[0]; } private: DirectX::XMVECTOR m_pFilteredJoints[JointType_Count]; FilterDoubleExponentialData m_pHistory[JointType_Count]; FLOAT m_fSmoothing; FLOAT m_fCorrection; FLOAT m_fPrediction; FLOAT m_fJitterRadius; FLOAT m_fMaxDeviationRadius; void Update(Joint joints[], UINT JointID, TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS smoothingParams); }; } |
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//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KinectJointFilter.cpp // // This file contains Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter for filtering Joints // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include "KinectJointFilter.h" using namespace Sample; using namespace DirectX; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: Lerp() // Desc: Linear interpolation between two floats //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline FLOAT Lerp( FLOAT f1, FLOAT f2, FLOAT fBlend ) { return f1 + ( f2 - f1 ) * fBlend; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if joint is 0 it is not valid. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL JointPositionIsValid( XMVECTOR vJointPosition ) { return ( XMVectorGetX( vJointPosition ) != 0.0f || XMVectorGetY( vJointPosition ) != 0.0f || XMVectorGetZ( vJointPosition ) != 0.0f ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of a Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter. The double exponential // smooths the curve and predicts. There is also noise jitter removal. And maximum // prediction bounds. The paramaters are commented in the init function. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FilterDoubleExponential::Update(IBody* const pBody) { assert( pBody ); // Check for divide by zero. Use an epsilon of a 10th of a millimeter m_fJitterRadius = XMMax( 0.0001f, m_fJitterRadius ); TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS SmoothingParams; Joint joints[JointType_Count]; pBody->GetJoints(_countof(joints), joints); for (INT i = 0; i < JointType_Count; i++) { SmoothingParams.fSmoothing = m_fSmoothing; SmoothingParams.fCorrection = m_fCorrection; SmoothingParams.fPrediction = m_fPrediction; SmoothingParams.fJitterRadius = m_fJitterRadius; SmoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius = m_fMaxDeviationRadius; // If inferred, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius Joint joint = joints[i]; if ( joint.TrackingState == TrackingState::TrackingState_Inferred ) { SmoothingParams.fJitterRadius *= 2.0f; SmoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius *= 2.0f; } Update(joints, i, SmoothingParams); } } void FilterDoubleExponential::Update(Joint joints[]) { // Check for divide by zero. Use an epsilon of a 10th of a millimeter m_fJitterRadius = XMMax(0.0001f, m_fJitterRadius); TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS SmoothingParams; for (INT i = 0; i < JointType_Count; i++) { SmoothingParams.fSmoothing = m_fSmoothing; SmoothingParams.fCorrection = m_fCorrection; SmoothingParams.fPrediction = m_fPrediction; SmoothingParams.fJitterRadius = m_fJitterRadius; SmoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius = m_fMaxDeviationRadius; // If inferred, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius Joint joint = joints[i]; if (joint.TrackingState == TrackingState::TrackingState_Inferred) { SmoothingParams.fJitterRadius *= 2.0f; SmoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius *= 2.0f; } Update(joints, i, SmoothingParams); } } void FilterDoubleExponential::Update(Joint joints[], UINT JointID, TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS smoothingParams) { XMVECTOR vPrevRawPosition; XMVECTOR vPrevFilteredPosition; XMVECTOR vPrevTrend; XMVECTOR vRawPosition; XMVECTOR vFilteredPosition; XMVECTOR vPredictedPosition; XMVECTOR vDiff; XMVECTOR vTrend; XMVECTOR vLength; FLOAT fDiff; BOOL bJointIsValid; const Joint joint = joints[JointID]; vRawPosition = XMVectorSet(joint.Position.X, joint.Position.Y, joint.Position.Z, 0.0f); vPrevFilteredPosition = m_pHistory[JointID].m_vFilteredPosition; vPrevTrend = m_pHistory[JointID].m_vTrend; vPrevRawPosition = m_pHistory[JointID].m_vRawPosition; bJointIsValid = JointPositionIsValid(vRawPosition); // If joint is invalid, reset the filter if (!bJointIsValid) { m_pHistory[JointID].m_dwFrameCount = 0; } // Initial start values if (m_pHistory[JointID].m_dwFrameCount == 0) { vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition; vTrend = XMVectorZero(); m_pHistory[JointID].m_dwFrameCount++; } else if (m_pHistory[JointID].m_dwFrameCount == 1) { vFilteredPosition = XMVectorScale(XMVectorAdd(vRawPosition, vPrevRawPosition), 0.5f); vDiff = XMVectorSubtract(vFilteredPosition, vPrevFilteredPosition); vTrend = XMVectorAdd(XMVectorScale(vDiff, smoothingParams.fCorrection), XMVectorScale(vPrevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fCorrection)); m_pHistory[JointID].m_dwFrameCount++; } else { // First apply jitter filter vDiff = XMVectorSubtract(vRawPosition, vPrevFilteredPosition); vLength = XMVector3Length(vDiff); fDiff = fabs(XMVectorGetX(vLength)); if (fDiff <= smoothingParams.fJitterRadius) { vFilteredPosition = XMVectorAdd(XMVectorScale(vRawPosition, fDiff / smoothingParams.fJitterRadius), XMVectorScale(vPrevFilteredPosition, 1.0f - fDiff / smoothingParams.fJitterRadius)); } else { vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition; } // Now the double exponential smoothing filter vFilteredPosition = XMVectorAdd(XMVectorScale(vFilteredPosition, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fSmoothing), XMVectorScale(XMVectorAdd(vPrevFilteredPosition, vPrevTrend), smoothingParams.fSmoothing)); vDiff = XMVectorSubtract(vFilteredPosition, vPrevFilteredPosition); vTrend = XMVectorAdd(XMVectorScale(vDiff, smoothingParams.fCorrection), XMVectorScale(vPrevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fCorrection)); } // Predict into the future to reduce latency vPredictedPosition = XMVectorAdd(vFilteredPosition, XMVectorScale(vTrend, smoothingParams.fPrediction)); // Check that we are not too far away from raw data vDiff = XMVectorSubtract(vPredictedPosition, vRawPosition); vLength = XMVector3Length(vDiff); fDiff = fabs(XMVectorGetX(vLength)); if (fDiff > smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius) { vPredictedPosition = XMVectorAdd(XMVectorScale(vPredictedPosition, smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius / fDiff), XMVectorScale(vRawPosition, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius / fDiff)); } // Save the data from this frame m_pHistory[JointID].m_vRawPosition = vRawPosition; m_pHistory[JointID].m_vFilteredPosition = vFilteredPosition; m_pHistory[JointID].m_vTrend = vTrend; // Output the data m_pFilteredJoints[JointID] = vPredictedPosition; m_pFilteredJoints[JointID] = XMVectorSetW(m_pFilteredJoints[JointID], 1.0f); } |
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//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KinectJointFilter.cs // // This file contains Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter for filtering Joints // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Collections; using Windows.Kinect; public class KinectJointFilter { public struct TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS { public float fSmoothing; // [0..1], lower values closer to raw data public float fCorrection; // [0..1], lower values slower to correct towards the raw data public float fPrediction; // [0..n], the number of frames to predict into the future public float fJitterRadius; // The radius in meters for jitter reduction public float fMaxDeviationRadius; // The maximum radius in meters that filtered positions are allowed to deviate from raw data } public class FilterDoubleExponentialData { public CameraSpacePoint m_vRawPosition; public CameraSpacePoint m_vFilteredPosition; public CameraSpacePoint m_vTrend; public int m_dwFrameCount; } // Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter CameraSpacePoint[] m_pFilteredJoints; FilterDoubleExponentialData[] m_pHistory; float m_fSmoothing; float m_fCorrection; float m_fPrediction; float m_fJitterRadius; float m_fMaxDeviationRadius; public KinectJointFilter() { m_pFilteredJoints = new CameraSpacePoint[Body.JointCount]; m_pHistory = new FilterDoubleExponentialData[Body.JointCount]; for (int i = 0; i < Body.JointCount; i++) { m_pHistory[i] = new FilterDoubleExponentialData(); } Init(); } ~KinectJointFilter() { Shutdown(); } public void Init(float fSmoothing = 0.25f, float fCorrection = 0.25f, float fPrediction = 0.25f, float fJitterRadius = 0.03f, float fMaxDeviationRadius = 0.05f) { Reset(fSmoothing, fCorrection, fPrediction, fJitterRadius, fMaxDeviationRadius); } public void Shutdown() { } public void Reset(float fSmoothing = 0.25f, float fCorrection = 0.25f, float fPrediction = 0.25f, float fJitterRadius = 0.03f, float fMaxDeviationRadius = 0.05f) { if (m_pFilteredJoints == null || m_pHistory == null) { return; } m_fMaxDeviationRadius = fMaxDeviationRadius; // Size of the max prediction radius Can snap back to noisy data when too high m_fSmoothing = fSmoothing; // How much smothing will occur. Will lag when too high m_fCorrection = fCorrection; // How much to correct back from prediction. Can make things springy m_fPrediction = fPrediction; // Amount of prediction into the future to use. Can over shoot when too high m_fJitterRadius = fJitterRadius; // Size of the radius where jitter is removed. Can do too much smoothing when too high for (int i = 0; i < Body.JointCount; i++) { m_pFilteredJoints[i].X = 0.0f; m_pFilteredJoints[i].Y = 0.0f; m_pFilteredJoints[i].Z = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vFilteredPosition.X = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vFilteredPosition.Y = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vFilteredPosition.Z = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vRawPosition.X = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vRawPosition.Y = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vRawPosition.Z = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vTrend.X = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vTrend.Y = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_vTrend.Z = 0.0f; m_pHistory[i].m_dwFrameCount = 0; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of a Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter. The double exponential // smooths the curve and predicts. There is also noise jitter removal. And maximum // prediction bounds. The paramaters are commented in the init function. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void UpdateFilter(Body pBody) { if (pBody == null) { return; } // Check for divide by zero. Use an epsilon of a 10th of a millimeter m_fJitterRadius = Mathf.Max( 0.0001f, m_fJitterRadius ); TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS SmoothingParams; for (JointType jt = JointType.SpineBase; jt <= JointType.ThumbRight; jt++) { SmoothingParams.fSmoothing = m_fSmoothing; SmoothingParams.fCorrection = m_fCorrection; SmoothingParams.fPrediction = m_fPrediction; SmoothingParams.fJitterRadius = m_fJitterRadius; SmoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius = m_fMaxDeviationRadius; // If inferred, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius Windows.Kinect.Joint joint = pBody.Joints[jt]; if ( joint.TrackingState == TrackingState.Inferred ) { SmoothingParams.fJitterRadius *= 2.0f; SmoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius *= 2.0f; } UpdateJoint(pBody, jt, SmoothingParams); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if joint is 0 it is not valid. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool JointPositionIsValid( CameraSpacePoint vJointPosition ) { return ( vJointPosition.X != 0.0f || vJointPosition.Y != 0.0f || vJointPosition.Z != 0.0f ); } public CameraSpacePoint[] GetFilteredJoints() { return m_pFilteredJoints; } CameraSpacePoint CSVectorSet(float x, float y, float z) { CameraSpacePoint point = new CameraSpacePoint(); point.X = x; point.Y = y; point.Z = z; return point; } CameraSpacePoint CSVectorZero() { CameraSpacePoint point = new CameraSpacePoint(); point.X = 0.0f; point.Y = 0.0f; point.Z = 0.0f; return point; } CameraSpacePoint CSVectorAdd(CameraSpacePoint p1, CameraSpacePoint p2) { CameraSpacePoint sum = new CameraSpacePoint(); sum.X = p1.X + p2.X; sum.Y = p1.Y + p2.Y; sum.Z = p1.Z + p2.Z; return sum; } CameraSpacePoint CSVectorScale(CameraSpacePoint p, float scale) { CameraSpacePoint point = new CameraSpacePoint(); point.X = p.X * scale; point.Y = p.Y * scale; point.Z = p.Z * scale; return point; } CameraSpacePoint CSVectorSubtract(CameraSpacePoint p1, CameraSpacePoint p2) { CameraSpacePoint diff = new CameraSpacePoint(); diff.X = p1.X - p2.X; diff.Y = p1.Y - p2.Y; diff.Z = p1.Z - p2.Z; return diff; } float CSVectorLength(CameraSpacePoint p) { return Mathf.Sqrt(p.X * p.X + p.Y * p.Y + p.Z * p.Z); } void UpdateJoint(Body body, JointType jt, TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS smoothingParams) { CameraSpacePoint vPrevRawPosition; CameraSpacePoint vPrevFilteredPosition; CameraSpacePoint vPrevTrend; CameraSpacePoint vRawPosition; CameraSpacePoint vFilteredPosition; CameraSpacePoint vPredictedPosition; CameraSpacePoint vDiff; CameraSpacePoint vTrend; float fDiff; bool bJointIsValid; Windows.Kinect.Joint joint = body.Joints[jt]; vRawPosition = joint.Position; vPrevFilteredPosition = m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_vFilteredPosition; vPrevTrend = m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_vTrend; vPrevRawPosition = m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_vRawPosition; bJointIsValid = JointPositionIsValid(vRawPosition); // If joint is invalid, reset the filter if (!bJointIsValid) { m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_dwFrameCount = 0; } // Initial start values if (m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_dwFrameCount == 0) { vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition; vTrend = CSVectorZero(); m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_dwFrameCount++; } else if (m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_dwFrameCount == 1) { vFilteredPosition = CSVectorScale(CSVectorAdd(vRawPosition, vPrevRawPosition), 0.5f); vDiff = CSVectorSubtract(vFilteredPosition, vPrevFilteredPosition); vTrend = CSVectorAdd(CSVectorScale(vDiff, smoothingParams.fCorrection), CSVectorScale(vPrevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fCorrection)); m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_dwFrameCount++; } else { // First apply jitter filter vDiff = CSVectorSubtract(vRawPosition, vPrevFilteredPosition); fDiff = CSVectorLength(vDiff); if (fDiff <= smoothingParams.fJitterRadius) { vFilteredPosition = CSVectorAdd(CSVectorScale(vRawPosition, fDiff / smoothingParams.fJitterRadius), CSVectorScale(vPrevFilteredPosition, 1.0f - fDiff / smoothingParams.fJitterRadius)); } else { vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition; } // Now the double exponential smoothing filter vFilteredPosition = CSVectorAdd(CSVectorScale(vFilteredPosition, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fSmoothing), CSVectorScale(CSVectorAdd(vPrevFilteredPosition, vPrevTrend), smoothingParams.fSmoothing)); vDiff = CSVectorSubtract(vFilteredPosition, vPrevFilteredPosition); vTrend = CSVectorAdd(CSVectorScale(vDiff, smoothingParams.fCorrection), CSVectorScale(vPrevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fCorrection)); } // Predict into the future to reduce latency vPredictedPosition = CSVectorAdd(vFilteredPosition, CSVectorScale(vTrend, smoothingParams.fPrediction)); // Check that we are not too far away from raw data vDiff = CSVectorSubtract(vPredictedPosition, vRawPosition); fDiff = CSVectorLength(vDiff); if (fDiff > smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius) { vPredictedPosition = CSVectorAdd(CSVectorScale(vPredictedPosition, smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius / fDiff), CSVectorScale(vRawPosition, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius / fDiff)); } // Save the data from this frame m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_vRawPosition = vRawPosition; m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_vFilteredPosition = vFilteredPosition; m_pHistory[(int)jt].m_vTrend = vTrend; // Output the data m_pFilteredJoints[(int)jt] = vPredictedPosition; } } |
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on setup: create an instance of the class, one for each body if you want to filter more bodies: KinectJointFilter filter = new KinectJointFilter(); filter.Init(); // change params if you want Whenever you get a body frame update: // get a valid and tracked body // pass to the filter object filter.UpdateFilter(body) whenever you want the filtered Joints, the function will return a collection. CameraSpacePoints filteredJoints[] = filter.GetFilteredJoints(); If you don't want all the joints, you could probably optimize and add a function where you pass in the joint and it will return the position only. |