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Very much a place-holder for now but I thought my Windows command-line tool PinTo10v2 could do with a home page…

A lot of IT admins will know that the popular VB Script that pins items to the Windows 7 Task Bar and Start Menu does not work in Windows 10.  I made PinTo10 about 18 months ago based on the Nullsoft Scriptable Installer framework which was functional but slow and heavy for a command-line tool and not really the right tool for the job at all.  Now, based on some great work by Alex Weinberger ( http://alexweinberger.com/main/pinning-network-program-taskbar-programmatically-windows-10/ ), I’ve made PinTo10v2 which has the same functionality as the original but is a fraction of the size and far more efficient. The source code isn’t very pretty as I’m no c# coder (I normally stick to basic scripting) but it works.

Give it a go, source code included…


Stuart Pearson


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