



Can you run Windows 7 64-bit (x64) on an Itanium computer?

Phillip Remaker, using Windows since version 1.0


Windows 7 64-bit is designed for the x86-64 (sometimes called amd64 or x64) architecture.  The Itanium is IA-64 architecture.  While they are both “64 bit,” they are as different as night and day.

“64  bit” is just the bus width of the data and address bus of the CPU. By itself, a “64 bit CPU” tells you nothing about what’s  inside the CPU.  The Intel x86 is the most common 64 bit processor for  home computers, so most people will say “64 bit CPU” when they really  mean “Intel x86-64 CPU.”  The Intel Itanium is a toally different CPU  with a totally different set of instructions than the x86-64.

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